Here is the Jumper allocation outline J1 NOT USED J2 NOT USED J3 IN= Connect serial port#1 (primary) isolated ground to logic ground J4 NOT USED J5 ASIC Reset Isolation J6 IN = connect serial port #2 (secondary) isolated ground to logic ground J7 IN = watchdog timer enabled for DCDC Time base OUT = Watchdog timer disabled for testNote the description says it fits the Galaxy J2 Dash, but it does not have a port for the microphone on the top edge of the phone It tried drilling a hole for it, but this is a poor solution because the case material is so pliable it is difficult to get a clean holeSchematic diagram Samsung J2 SMJ0G 100% Akurat Pada siang kali ini saya akan membagikan lagi ke pada aganagan yang sedang mencari Jalur Skema jalur Samsung J2 SMJ0G, yang sudah benerbener teruji 100% hasil ya akurat, nah kalain bagi yang mau memperbaiki, pada hp samung j2 SMJ0G atau bisa di sebut j2 biyasa 16, kamu bisa mencari
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