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[最新] 405 grain 45-70 193020-405 grain 45 70 bullets
>4570, 405 grain, velocity and bear I'm looking for some opinions on using a 405gr RNFP (Coated Missouri boolits) and velocity for black bear with my Henry 4570 I want to keep it out of the "shoulder breaking" range and have found that 1500Description4570 Government 405 Grain Lead Cast Coated Bullet~ 100% HandLoaded~ The 4570 rifle cartridge, also known as 4570 Government, was developed at the US Army's Springfield Armory for use in the Springfield Model 1873, which is known to collectors as the "trapdoor Springfield"The new cartridge was a replacement for the stopgap 5070 Government cartridge2/5/06 IMR4064 is a very slow powder for the 4570 I doubt you can get enough of it in the case to reach dangerous pressures 55 grains compressed under a 405 grain bullets only generates 26,700 CUP The Marlin 15 4570 has a safe operating pressure of 40,000 CUP S
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405 grain 45 70 bullets
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